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UNITED_A319_N805UA_ORD_0698_JP_small3.jpgKODACHROME 64 SLIDE


AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112H_JP_small.jpgI flew F-BVFB in 1999 and after she was retired, I never imagined I'd see her again. Until I got to Sinsheim Technik museum that is! I knew that there was an Air France Concorde there on permanent display, but did not even think it may be -B. So here she is, beautifully displayed for all to see- brilliant as ever....




JFK_1090_JP_small.jpgKOACHROME 64 SLIDE







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AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_JFK_1290_JP_TAKE2_JP_small.jpgPhoto of me taken December 1990 on F-BVFB, the same Concorde I would fly 17 years later from JFK to Detroit DTW (positioning ferry flight)
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AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112z_2_JP_small.jpgSinsheim Museum, Germany




BRITISHAIRWAYS_CONCORDE_G-BOAE_JFK_0703B_JP_small1.jpgBA Concorde departs runway 31L on a rainy morning


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AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112N_JP_small.jpgThis is the same Concorde (F-BVFB) that I was fortunate enough to fly from New York to Detroit on a positioning flight




BRITISHAIRWAYS_CONCORDE_G-BOAE_JFK_0702C_JP_small.jpgFor my British chap friends. I even put her a bit higher in the frame so the watermark doesn't butcher this beautiful thing. I will confess that I used to park next to her and just gaze at this beautiful work of art, the pride of Britain and France. Even 50 years from now, she will look like she "belongs" -that design will never be dated. This in-service shot was taken on the old TWA ramp at JFK in 2002

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112J_jP_small.jpgI flew F-BVFB in 1999 and after she was retired, I never imagined I'd see her again. Until I got to Sinsheim Technik museum that is! I knew that there was an Air France Concorde there on permanent display, but did not even think it may be -B. So here she is, beautifully displayed for all to see- brilliant as ever....


DELTA_L1011_N766DA_JFK_0997_JP_MAIN_small2.jpgHistoric shot showing the 4 big commercial aircraft manufacturers a couple of decades ago: McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed, Airbus-Aerospatiale, Boeing. The Air France Concorde is F-BTSC, the one that unfortunately crashed in Paris, leading in part to the ultimate demise of the beloved airplane...
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CONCORDE_COMPOSITE_JP_small2.jpgThis is a composite photo I put together in photoshop. The airplane was photographed at JFK 20 years ago, I was standing on a stair truck. The photo of the landscape was taken on a previous flight

AIRFRANCECONCORDE_F-BVFC_JFK_0103D_JP_small2.jpgAir France Concorde performs the daily morning departure to Paris. This runway 31L departure is called the "Canarsie climb"



BRITISHAIRWAYS_CONCORDE_G-BOAD_JFK_0799_JP_small.jpgThe beautiful British Airways Concorde initiates rotation on runway 22R @ JFK in this July 1999 photo
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AIRFRANCE_747-400_F-GITF_JFK_0800_JP_small.jpgSad sight. Air France Concorde in long term storage at Terminal 1 JFK, while the retrofit for the fuel tank strengthening is underway after the unfortunate crash of F-BTSC
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ROYALJORDANIANCARGO_707F_JY-AJL_JFK_093_JP_small.jpgRoyal Jordanian Cargo 707 on final approach to runway 22L
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AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BTSD_JFK-FINALFLIGHT_0902_JP_small.jpgThis is the final Air France passenger departure on Concorde from New York...

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WORLDPORT_JFK_1290_JP__TAKE1_small.jpgPhotographed from the old tower
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BRITISHAIRWAYS_CONCORDE_G-BOAG_JFK_0502_JP_small.jpgI miss this scene sorely. Just about every afternoon in the summer of 2002, British Airways would park the Concorde next to the 747-400 on the old TWA ramp

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ROYALJORDANIANCARGO_A310_JY-AGQ_JFK_0513_JP_small.jpgOne of the very few A310's still flying today is this Royal Jordanian Cargo example, having flown passengers to NY from Amman in its previous life


AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BTSC_JFK_1090_JP_small.jpgCertainly one of the most special photos in the collection is this Air France Concorde, F-BTSC, the one that had the tragic crash in Paris, with JFK tower under construction. The photo was taken from the Pan Am Worldport roof-top parking deck
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AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFC_JFK_0699_JP_MAIN_B_W_small.jpgAir France Concorde departs on runway 31L with the beautiful World Trade Center looking on. When photographing the Concorde from behind on takeoff it always looks watery because of the significant heat the engines produce
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AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112ZA_JP_small.jpgSeldom seen angle of the Concorde, taken from the back of the right wing. To the left of the rear door are the signs for the flight data recorder's location

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112TT_JP_small.jpgYou can't see it in the photo but there is plexiglass between my lens and the cockpit as this Concorde is on display at the Sinsheim museum in Germany. This is the same Concorde I flew from JFK to Detroit (photos on the web site)

T4_JFK_0899_JP_small.jpgPhotographed in August 1999, Terminal 4 @ JFK was beginning to take shape as the initial framing was underway. Note the two British Airways Concordes (top left) parked at terminal 7
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BRITISHAIRWAYS_CONCORDE_G-BOAE_JFK_0702F_JP_small.jpgI uploaded this photo because last night I watched a re-run of the Smithsonian special on Concorde and towards the end of the program, the BA chief pilot made the most profound statement that brought him to tears, as it did with me- he said (not quoting word for word) "On the final arrival of Concorde to Heathrow, I watched 5 perfectly flyable airplanes sitting side by side, knowing they'll never fly another revenue passenger again"

ROYALJORDANIAN_L1011_JY-AGC_JFK_0391_JP_small.jpgRoyal Jordanian's Princess Zein rests on a hardstand at the old IAB (international Arrivals Building)
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AMERICAN_727-200_N895AA_JFK_0191_JP_small.jpgAmerican 727-200 departs on runway 4L. In the background we see the new tower at JFK under construction. On the IAB ramp we have two El Al 747-200's, Air France Concorde, Varig 747-300, Zambia DC10
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ROYALJORDANIAN_A340-200_6Y-AIA_JFK_0612B_JP_small.jpgRoyal Jordanian A340 departs runway 4L on a very busy and messy New York night

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_DTW_0599_MAIN_JP_small.jpgHaving just flown in on this beautiful airplane, I walked around it taking closeup shots, even though I've already done that numerous times in New York, I knew this would be the only time I'd ever get a chance to do this in Detroit!
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BRITISHAIRWAYS_CONCORDE_G-BOAD_JFK_1196_JP_MAIN_small.jpgBeautiful British Airways Concorde on taxiway Zulu before turning on to runway 31L for the daily departure to London Heathrow. Even though I used to see this airplane so often, each time was very special and these days, with it no longer flying, I have my photos to look at and reflect upon. I couldn't record photos like these without the help of my numerous close friends at JFK and other airports who have helped me capture aviation history over the years!

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_0599D_JP_MAIN_small.jpgDuring my Air France Concorde flight, I photographed the bulkhead Mach meter. This was about the fastest that we went; Mach 0.95, which is the equivalent of 723 miles per hour. Note that from JFK to Detroit it's pretty much all over land so you can't go supersonic like you can over the ocean. Still, 723 miles per hour is extremely fast, given the fact that most normal jets cruise at 550 miles per hour

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_0599C_JP_MAIN_small.jpgOne of the greatest pleasures of my life in aviation. Riding in the cockpit of the Concorde inflight! Not quite across the Atlantic, it was a positioning flight from JFK to Detroit (yes Detroit), but the price was right- free! Thanks to my friend Joe Wolf who at the time worked for Northwest and worked his magic to make this flight possible for the two of us. I'll be forever grateful Joe!
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JOE_JFK_1290_JP_small.jpgI'm 40 years old (July 2012), but people I meet at the airport these days don't believe I've been photographing at JFK since 1986! Here I am at the old IAB (now Terminal 4), December 1990 with 3 beauties behind me, Air France Concorde, UTA (France) DC10 and Air Afrique DC10. Forgive my awful cargo attire from those days...

ROYALJORDANIAN_707_JY-AJN_JFK_0898_JP_MAIN_small.jpgThis Royal Jordanian Cargo 707 is still in the color scheme of its previous owner, Air China
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ROYALJORDANIAN_A340-200_JY-AIA_JFK_0911CX_JP_small.jpgRoyal Jordanian A340 awaits its next flight to AMM (Amman, Jordan) on gate B28 at JFK-IAT Terminal 4

ROYALJORDANIAN_A340-200_JY-AIA_JFK_0911B_JP.jpgRoyal Jordanian A340-200 rests at gate 28, devoid of ground equipment thankfully, making for a clean photo

IMG_8326_JP.jpgConcourse B at terminal 4 as seen from taxiway Kilo Delta. Note the construction at the tip of concourse as B is being extended to accomodate Delta's big move into terminal 4

ROYALJORDANIAN_A340-300_JY-AIB_JFK_0303_JP.jpgRoyal Jordanian has one of the most beautiful color schemes in the world..

royaljordanianA340JYAIAjfk0307.jpgRoyal Jordanian A340 taxiis on Hotel for B concourse gate 31

t4may02.jpgView from the 7th floor of JFK tower looking to the North. Visible is the final construction of ramp and gates at concourse A. Seen in the background is the old TWA terminal (now completely surrounded by Jetblue's T5. Also note the British Airways Concorde parked adjacent to the TWA terminal. I used to park next to the concorde many times at that spot and just sit there and stare at the beautiful lines of that amazing airplane

michaeljordanG4N236MJ.jpgBasketball fans can look at the tail of this beautiful G4 and know exactly who it belongs to...

elal7444X-ELBjfk0808.jpgRoyal Jordanian A340-300 and El Al 747-400 rest on hardstand between flights

afconcfbvfcjfk800.jpgSadly, this Air France Concorde was parked at Terminal 1 for several months after F-BTSC crashed in Paris. All concordes were eventually fitted with protective material on the wings so that they cannot be pierced by anything the tires go over on takeoff/landing. Note the temporary red protective tape used on windows and any openings on the airplane
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baconc_dec90.jpgBA Concorde performs its daily departure to London Heathrow from runway 31L. Seen in the background are the old tower and the new tower under construction -Kodachrome 64 slide

fbvfb_may99.jpgThis may seem like just another window shot but it's not. That window, while hard to tell from the photo is a tiny window in F-BVFB, Air France Concorde. With my friend Joe Wolf who worked for Northwest at the time, I flew F-BVFB from JFK to Detroit (yes, I said Detroit). What's really special about this particular shot however as our ATC and PA friends at JFK will tell you, a 4L Concorde departure is extremely rare. Typically the Concorde departures would utilize 31L/13R or 22R, primarily for noise abatement.
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fbvfaJP.jpgA very special photo in my collection. F-BVFF just arrived from Paris taxiing to Terminal 1, while F-BVFA taxiis out of Terminal 1 on its way to runway 31L for departure to Paris. Only one airport on Earth offered not only Concorde service but multiple Concorde service daily with two Air France's and two British Airways Concordes. I know that I speak for all my friends at JFK that we miss that airplane sorely!

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